Tuesday, July 19, 2005

This Is Not A Pipe

I made this.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Rejected Album Titles

  1. That's Hella Gaye - Marvin Gaye
  2. Mossy - Rolling Stones
  3. It Takes A Goddamn Lot of These Motherf*ckers To Hold Us Back - N.W.A.
  4. Elephart - Black Eyed Peas
  5. Magical Mystery Rash - Beatles
  6. Mildly to Moderately Blue - Miles Davis
  7. Born to Scoot, Crawl, Stand, Walk, and Eventually at His Own Pace, Run - Bruce Springsteen
  8. Weezer (Coral Album) - Weezer
  9. Axis: Of Evil - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
  10. Assistance! - Beatles
  11. Xamine Your Zipper - Coldplay
  12. The Runs - Radiohead
  13. Oops!... I Can't... Stop... Using... Ellipses - Britney Spears
  14. Poo - Green Day
  15. Urethra - Aretha Franklin

Thursday, July 14, 2005

I Like It Like That

I Like My (Wo)Men Like I Like My Coffee
  1. Black -young girl from Airplane
  2. Hot and strong, with a spoon in them. -Eddie Izzard
  3. Rich -Golddigger
  4. Ground to a '5' -Yuppie Feminazi
  5. In the morning. -Abs 3727
  6. Sweet -Boring
  7. Fragrant -Weirdo
  8. Columbian -South American fetishist
  9. Never -Celibate Mormon
  10. Anally -SAE

Friday, July 08, 2005

Where Did I Go?

Detriot, Chicago, and now Ashland.

Back to posting soon, I promise.