Friday, March 18, 2005

The Facebook

Once you have graduated, the facebook is really, for the most part, over. You leave a profile of who you thought you were around the age of 20 - where you live, things you like, pictures of you before you get old/fat/bald, dumb things other people have said that you thought were funny at the time and now make absolutely no goddamn sense. There is this skeleton of your college self floating around on the net... after a while you even forget it is there. Is it something to be preserved so that you can look back? Or is it a piece of trash lost in cyberspace?


Blogger Kel The Younger said...

I am never going to get old.
I am never going to get fat.
I am never going to go bald (OK, maybe I can't help this one...)

I keep all my skeletons up to date (you of all people should know the importance of nice shiny bones!) I think my obsession with this has to do with point number one above. :-)

3/20/2005 08:55:00 PM  

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